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Electrotherapy is among the most effective methods of physiotherapy. The basis of the method - the use of an electric current in order to change the functional state of the body's cells Depending on the frequency used by the current, its strength, amplitude, and time of exposure, changes the status of living cells: the "+" - stimulation, and the sign "-" - reduction function.



- The acceleration of metabolic processes - healing, tissue repair
- Improving the speed and force of muscle contraction
- Strengthening muscle tone and vascular wall (veins)
- Increasing the speed of the pulse

Reduced function

- Slowing metabolism, - anti-inflammatory effect
- Relaxing (antispasticheskoe) action - treatment "delayed onset muscle soreness" and spasms
- Analgesic effect


Therapy is conducted using a multifunctional physiotherapy device for electrotherapy ZIMMER (Germany):

- More than 100 preset programs for the treatment and rehabilitation (by the standards of the German Society of Physiotherapy)
- Advanced software, touchscreen
- Safe and painless




- Anesthesia - treatment of back pain, neuralgia, "tennis elbow," arthritis and others.
- Relaxation of spastic muscles and ligaments, the elimination of "delayed onset muscle soreness"
- Stimulation of metabolic processes in the tissues after exercise, osteochondrosis, arthritis and others.
- Improve the tone of the veins - the initial stage of varicose disease, the syndrome of traveler - swelling in the legs
- Myostimulation - strengthening and harmonization of muscle tone. Restoration of communication "agonist-antagonist"



Pressure therapy

Lymphatic drainage - Pressotherapy
12-channel complex physiotherapy BTL-Lympastim (UK)

Pressure therapy - a method based on stimulation of rhythmic muscle and tissue in sequence to cause natural lymph drainage and reduce fluid stagnation and toxins. That, in turn, improves the metabolism (metabolism) of the internal organs and soft tissues, increases the functionality of systems.

- Improves the metabolism of the soft tissues of the lower limbs and internal organs
- Prevention of varicose veins, the syndrome of "restless legs"
- Detoxification - drainage
- As a complement to the complex procedures aimed at weight loss and decrease in body
- Prevention of cellulite
- Increasing functional reserves (in conjunction with the training activities)

Medical indications: venous insufficiency, neuropathy of the lower extremities, diabetic angiopathy, trophic disorders of the skin structures, post-traumatic rehabilitation, gout and arthritis, metabolic diseases



Horizontal spinal traction

Preliminary consultation of the doctor. The procedure aims to improve the function of the spine and musculoskeletal system as a whole. Namely, reducing the load on the intervertebral discs, the prevention and treatment of degenerative disc disease, back pain and joint pain. Running both independently and in combination with manual therapy